Sunday, November 5, 2006

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodnight!

Nah, "C", if we were that sure of our powers, we'd certainly stick around and bring down some more of the crap you've associated yourself with.

Calm down folks (((breathe))) -- it was never about The Hub -- it was about pointing out how bad local media outlets are at times (ok, a lot) (but understandably so) (sort of). Sadly, one of us got a job offer at one of them there media outlets, so -- after minutes of soul searching -- we decided not to put his job in jeopardy by continuing. For now.

Cross your fingers and do hope for a quick firing -- 'cuz we'll be back faster than "c" can say "Big Fish Floundering In Small Pond."

Frankly, we planned to do a media blitz and call it a "hiatus," but we're sure we'll be back before The Hub will publish again, so will you please allow us a brief nap?

With love to (most of) our Readers & dreams of a tearful reunion,

PS -- We'll still take your blind tips.

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